Secured and Streamlined Virtual Workload Migration

  • Industry: Life Insurance
Migrate the entire virtual workload, including critical business applications, to a new data center.

Engagement Details

  • Project Name: Secure Virtual Workload Migration to New Data Center
  • Technology Used: Cisco UCS, Hyper-V Replication, Log Shipping, Unified Threat Management (UTM)

Business Need

  • Migrate the entire virtual workload, including critical business applications, to a new data center.
  • Ensure zero downtime during the transition to maintain business continuity.
  • Strengthen cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive life insurance data during the migration process.


  • Ensuring uninterrupted operations for critical applications during migration.
  • Synchronizing SQL databases across locations to maintain data integrity.
  • Addressing potential security risks during workload transfer to the new data center.


  • Designed a secure and scalable data center infrastructure using Cisco UCS to optimize performance.
  • Utilized Hyper-V Replication with log shipping for SQL synchronization and application failover capability.
  • Implemented a Unified Threat Management (UTM) solution to enhance security during the migration.
  • Partnered with a Tier 1 System Integrator (SI) to align the migration with future growth and infrastructure needs.


  • Delivered a secure and efficient migration of virtual workloads without impacting ongoing operations.
  • Established a robust and scalable IT foundation to support future business requirements.
  • Enhanced data protection through the implementation of a UTM solution.

Key Takeaways

This project showcases Softenger’s ability to deliver seamless and secure virtual workload migrations for critical industries like life insurance. Leveraging advanced technologies and close collaboration with the client and SI, Softenger ensured a smooth transition to the new data center, protecting sensitive data and minimizing operational disruptions.

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