Code of Conduct
Softenger India Pvt. Ltd. has adopted and is compliant with RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) Code of Conduct
The Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), formerly the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), Code of Conduct establishes standards to ensure that working conditions in the electronics industry, or industries in which electronics are a key component, and its supply chains are safe, that workers are treated with respect and dignity, and that business operations are environmentally responsible and conducted ethically. The code may be voluntarily adopted by any business in the electronics sector and subsequently applied by that business to its supply chain and subcontractors, including providers of contract labour.
Hence as a service provider to one of its key clients, Softenger India Pvt. Ltd. has adopted the code as part of its total supply chain initiative. Softenger not only ensures commitment to the implementation of guidelines as defined in the code of conduct but also ensuring its practices and processes are formulated to make the workplace favourable for its employees.
The Code is made up of five sections. Sections A, B, and C outline standards for Labour, Health and Safety, and the Environment, respectively. Section D adds standards relating to business ethics. Section E outlines the elements of an acceptable system to manage conformity to this Code
Some of the key guidelines as part of these sections include:
Section A: Labour – Freely Chosen Employment, Protection of Young Workers, Woking Hours, Wage & Benefit, Humane Treatment, Non Discrimination/Harassment and Freedom of Association
Section B: Health & Safety – Occupational Safety, Emergency Preparedness, Occupational Injury and Illness, Industrial Hygiene, Physically Demanding Work, Machine Safeguarding, Sanitation, Food, and Housing AND Communication
Section C: Environment – Permits, Pollution Prevention, Hazardous Substance, Solid Waste, Air Emission, Materials Management, Water Management AND Energy Consumption
Section D: Ethics – Business Integrity, No Improper Advantage, Disclosure of Information, Intellectual Property, Fair Business, Protection of Identity and Non-Retaliation And Privacy
Section E: Management Systems – Company Commitment, Management Accountability & Responsibility, Legal Requirements, Risk Assessment, Objectives, Training, Communication, Worker Feedback and Grievance, Audits and Assessments, Corrective Action, Documentation And Supplier Responsibility
Softenger India Pvt. Ltd. is totally committed to compliance, working conditions requirements and creating a healthy & safe workspace!